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Meet the new EMES Elders

We are pleased to announce that EMES named three Elders at our 2022 Annual Meeting in Paris. Elders, or Spiritual Nurturers, support the spiritual life of the Section through offering a centred presence for the right holding of meetings, roleholders and participants in EMES activities. We welcome them and offer these brief introductions:

George Thurley (Left) is a member of Sussex East Area Meeting who has lived for almost 8 years outside of the UK. He sojourned in Brussels and now lives in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. He is 29 and grew up going to Quaker meeting in Lewes with his Dad and brother. His experience on the Quaker Youth Pilgrimage made Quakerism feel like community to him and since that experience he has been involved with all kinds of Quaker groups, including serving on BYM’s Quaker World Relations Committee (and therefore also as a representative to EMES) and co-clerking European and Middle East Young Friends (EMEYF). Despite all these experiences, this is his first appointment as Elder for more than a few days so he looks forward to serving EMES in this way, getting back into the community online and in-person.

Annika Hollsing (Centre) is a member of Sweden YM since 1970 and has been active in different Meetings, committees and groups. She was an EMES and QCEA representative for a number of years and has traveled among Friends all around the world both privately and as a representative. She worked as a doctor most of her life but is now retired. For the last ten years, she has taught Swedish and Swedish culture to asylum seekers and is active in quite a few groups in her community. She lives in a small village out in the countryside, distant from other Friends, but takes part in Meetings and Quaker activities online or by traveling.

Jasmine Piercy (Right) lives in Slovenia and is active within the Central European Gathering of Friends whilst retaining membership with West Somerset AM in Britain. She has been involved with Friends for over 25 years, serving as a Meeting House warden at Selly Oak Meeting in Birmingham and later living at the Bamford Quaker Community, where she remains a trustee. She is an Associate Tutor for Woodbrooke, mostly facilitating online courses for Friends and new Attenders across Europe. She has also hosted and eldered Woodbrooke/EMES online worship for the past four years. She hopes to bring a sense of joyful engagement to this new role, encouraging Friends to deepen and share their spiritual gifts. She offers prayerful upholding and accompaniment to individuals, Quaker communities and gatherings, as requested, and looks forward to working with EMES to support Friends across the section.

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